Monday, December 11, 2017

Re: The Struggle Is Real

     I think that the majority of Americans agree with your view. Trump has promised a lot of changes and it’s been already a year and not a lot has been accomplished. When it comes to cases such as immigration laws and the Affordable Care Act, for some Americans it’s a matter of life or death. Living in uncertainty and watching their future and families depending on a tweet is ridiculous. You mentioned something about when Trump was asked about his actions that are questionable and he deflects the attention elsewhere. I highly agree with that as he almost always uses that technique in his political career. It’s really common when people fail then the first thing they tend to do is to blame the others. You also mentioned something about not understanding why it’s so hard to investigate and remove him. It’s a little bit more complicated to impeach a president as it requires a conviction of Treason, Bribery, or other High Crimes and Misdemeanors and Trump doesn’t fit in those categories yet.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

North Korea’s Plastic Missiles


       Should we attack? Should we go to the war before it comes to us? Trump’s aggressive language sounds so tough but leads to nothing but keeping the media busy for few days, and away from the Democrats who believe that we are like Norway, Canada, or some country that has no enemies and everybody loves. The media cares about views and subscribers more than they care about delivering the truth and telling the people the actual size of the North Korean threats against us. When it comes to an average American, Kim Jong-un is nothing more than a clown. A big mouth just like the big mouth we have in Washington DC. But is it like that? Is he just another Saddam who we will whip off the earth in a week or so? A few hours ago, North Korea’s regime said that they have successfully launched a new rocket that can hit anywhere in US. Also, the statement that Kim is actually able to reach anywhere in the US is just another BBC breaking news story that we will forget as soon as one Kardashian starts dating someone new or Justin Bieber gets arrested in Hollywood. Do Americans really understand the threat? Do we really understand the capability of Kim’s rockets? I will leave the answer to you. 

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Re:Trump's nasty tweets

        I think that president Trump used the media on general and twitter specifically to spread what seemed like his controversial opinions but in fact it was a tool to be knowing, to be heard and to be talked about. I believe that he didn’t really care about what subject he tweets about as much as he cares about the reaction that he is going to get from the media and all the people who will re tweet his tweets. And to be fair, the tactic that he used really helped him to win the elections. I mean, the media criticism to Trump’s tweets was a free way for him to be all over the TV, the internet, and the newspapers front pages. The thing that Trump can’t realize is that he is not on the elections anymore, he is already famous, and he need to act as the president of the United States and the commander-in-chief instead of tweets offending subjects that brings him more attention (in a bad way mostly).     

Friday, November 3, 2017

Trump’s New Immigration Policies

      Since he started his campaign back in June 2015, President Donald Trump has promised to reduce, or in some cases, terminate the flow of immigrants. Trump has also promised to end illegal immigration, mostly from Mexico, and reduce legal immigration such as refugees’ resettlement programs and the green card lottery.  Trump’s immigration policies have been approved by a lot of his supporters who claimed that the new arrivals pose a threat to the nation’s security. They also have economic concerns that the immigrants are taking away American’s opportunities and reduce the economic opportunity for the average American. Economy experts agree that immigrants reduce wages and impact the financial security of the country as they exhaust the law enforcement budgets due to background checks and illegal activities.
      Mr. Trump translated his concerns on immigration with executive orders to ban immigrants from certain countries, by ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and the most recent orders to end the diversity visa program.
     On the other hand, we have the democrats and liberals that are against Trump’s immigration policies. Trump opponents argue that America has been built by immigrants and that there will be always a place and an opportunity for everyone. They also argue that immigrants are hard workers who stimulate the economy, pay taxes and help to create new opportunities.

    Both sides claim to place the benefit of the United States as the top priority, but the question remains, what is the benefit that immigrants are bringing to the United States and what is the detriment? Is it a humanitarian obligation to increase the number of refugees and give them the opportunity to start a new life away from war zones or is it the government’s obligation to keep America safe? 

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Black Man Arrested for Assaulting a Disabled White Man As Revenge For Slavery

Black Man Arrested for Assaulting a Disabled White Man As Revenge For Slavery

     An article has been published by the free republic blog page on 18th Oct 2017 . this article is about an African American man who attacked and assaulted a homeless man in Washington D.C. the article was originally published by MRC TV website and has been republished by the free republic blog. I believe that the way this article been worded was to target the white population emotions and to widening the gap between whites and blacks. It’s clear in the article that the African American man was guilty and he might faces up to 30 years in the prison for a hate crime, however, this article could be published in different language where it’s about a bad guy whom attacked a homeless old man, but instead the author decides to mention the race of the victim and the attacker with no evidence or witness statements. instead the author used the race as a factor and a reason for the attack. I believe that the media could be a great way for us to be united and to be closer to each other but instead some media sources actively become a gap to separate us and push us to hate each other. In this article, the author makes it sounds like all black people attacked all white people for a very race – related purpose. 

Friday, October 6, 2017

Repeal the second amendment

Repeal the second amendment

       In his editorial, Bret Stephens argues that the second amendment should be repealed. Mr. Stephens based his argument on three major points as listed below:

1-      The number of the innocent people who have been killed by guns compared to the numbers of what’s called “justified kills” such as self-defense and properties protection.
2-      The types of guns in the markets that are deadlier than the guns that were out in the market back when the second amendment been written.
3-       He argues that an armed citizenry is not going to protect the nation from any foreign threats such as North Korea and Russia.

        Mr. Stephens didn’t make a lot of sense with the argument that gun owners will not protect the nation from foreign threats. I believe that a lot of gun owners have some sort of military background or at least have some knowledge on how to operate the guns they have. So, a trained and armed citizen could actually fight for his or her country if that service was needed when facing any type of conflict or threat.  

        I have reviewed some leaked pictures of the Las Vegas attacker’s hotel room with the assault rifles all over the floor. The rifles he had and used in the attacks are deadlier than most of the rifles that I have ever seen in my military service. So, I agree with Mr. Stephens in his argument about how guns are way different from what’s been approved in the Second Amendment back in the past. However, in the editorial, Mr. Stephens didn’t represent a clear solution to control guns in a way where the citizens can still have their constitutional rights of bearing a firearm and not effecting the public safety at the same time.

Friday, September 22, 2017


         The Trump’s administration announced that it would end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, in six months if Congress doesn't find a more permanent solution. DACA is a program created in 2012 by the Obama administration allowing young people brought to this country illegally by their parents to get a temporary protection from deportation and to be able to work, study and obtain driver's licenses. There are about 800,000 DACA recipients who had to be younger than 31 years old when the program began.

          Few months ago, a federal judge in Hawaii issued a nationwide order blocking President Trump’s ban on travel from parts of the Muslim world, this article that is published by REUTERS giving the hope to DACA recipients that anther federal judge looking closely and trying to speed up the process on lawsuits over the DACA blocking. lawsuits that the Trump’s administration did not follow proper administrative procedure in rescinding DACA, and that making enforcement promises to a group of people, only to revoke them, and to violate the due process. It is important to review this article to know the last updates on the DACA program recipients’ legal fights against the president’s decision.