Thursday, November 16, 2017

Re:Trump's nasty tweets

        I think that president Trump used the media on general and twitter specifically to spread what seemed like his controversial opinions but in fact it was a tool to be knowing, to be heard and to be talked about. I believe that he didn’t really care about what subject he tweets about as much as he cares about the reaction that he is going to get from the media and all the people who will re tweet his tweets. And to be fair, the tactic that he used really helped him to win the elections. I mean, the media criticism to Trump’s tweets was a free way for him to be all over the TV, the internet, and the newspapers front pages. The thing that Trump can’t realize is that he is not on the elections anymore, he is already famous, and he need to act as the president of the United States and the commander-in-chief instead of tweets offending subjects that brings him more attention (in a bad way mostly).     

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with this article. President Trump (still feels weird to say that) has his priorities mixed up. Honestly the tweeting is annoying because it has no substance. In some aspects i don't see that he takes the position of being the President "Commander in Chief" to be as serious as it is. The country is not another one of his businesses or a reality show this is real life with real issues that need a mature adult to address and change; not a selfish, attention seeking, immature individual that just wants to show he has power.
